Monday, August 14, 2006


I know I've got some Random Acts of Kindness stories to post. But it's my blog so I take precedence.
You see, on July 5th, I took the day off to recover from the cupcake overload. Normally I go running with a girlfriend along the Embarcadero and this Wednesday was no different. Except since I was leaving from home, and not work... I took little Sake with me.As we slowed down our run, right in front of the ferry buildling, a woman stopped and asked if she could pet Sake. No worries, Sake is sooo adorable; everyone wants to pet her!Well, this Psycho Beyotch proceeded to tell me she "lost" her dog a month and a half ago. And her dog looked EXACTLY like Sake. Did I get her as gift? And yeah. She was basically accusing me of having her stolen dog. I told her I was sorry about her dog... but my baby has been with my family for 2 Christmases now. Oh and nevermind, Sake is showing not one little hint of recognition of this Psycho! So she's mistaken. I grabbed on to Sake's leash and we walked away. A car had been waiting for her, and she hopped in.

I told her story to my family and some friends but thought nothing more of it until this weekend. My neighbor told me a woman had knocked on his door this past Monday, asking about me. Asking about Sake. Seems she followed me that first day and either got my address off my license plate #, or she followed me all the way home. Unbeknownst to oblivous me, she has been skulking about snooping. Chills ran down my arm... and David and I agreed I should probably go file a report to the police.Today, Sake and I spent the afternoon shopping and upon my return, I had a note on my door from the SF Dept of Animal Care and Control. I got the officer on the phone and she said, well there has been a complaint about your dog and I need to meet with you. (BTW, this Lt is a complete fucking bitch.)
"What is the complaint Lt?"
"Well, I 'm pretty sure you know that there is a woman who claims you have her missing dog. And she has filed a report with us and the SFPD."

So, yes. Now we're pulling all Sake's paperwork, vaccinations, puppy pictures... to prove she indeed belongs to our family. I've been on the phone with my sister, my D, my father, in tears. Not because I think there's a chance of Sake not being mine, but because.. oh shit.. I don't know why!! That this CRAZY woman is so overcome with grief that she can go around accusing others of some a horrible crime! Based on one encounter! As I told the Animal Control lady,
"Frankly, I am about to go file a police report of my own. I find it quite disturbing this woman has followed me to my home and violated my privacy."
"Well I would probably do the same thing if I thought it was my dog.
""Well it's not. And I would report you to the police too."
I am upset. I'm scared. To think she would want to take away my little Sake To Me that I have loved for 2 years! (And yes. I put a pair of sunglasses on her, wrapped her up in blankets, and stowed her away on board Air Force One.) I'm headed to SFPD in a few minutes to see what I can do about filing a report.

Note to self: Pick up some mace.


Anonymous said...

Keep us updated.

EerieCa said...

I'll slap the crazy bitch! Our Sasa plays Mah Jong! Our Sasa eats only chinese buns. Our Sasa enjoys a quiet evening with her favorite band, Rj and Gong Gong.

There is no doubt that Sasa is chinese and OURS. My doubt is what this looney (looney LOONEY) crazed bitch would do to torment my family like this.

I swear. I'll slap a crazy bitch. I will. Even in my condition. Don't EVEN TEMPT me.

Enough said.

Rowdeezy said...

Yes.. as the wise Kimora Lee Simmons once said.. "I'll slap a bitch down!"

Leslie said...

Ooooh another one to add to your "Bitch Slap List"!!