Monday, March 17, 2008

Corned Beef and Spam?

Aloha and Happy St. Patrick's Day from Waikiki!
Seems a bit odd as Corned Beef and Cabbage doesn't seem particularly Hawaiian, but they're giving the spirit of things a great go!

I am curious to see if anyone comes up with a green Maitai. But I'm actually working pretty much all day (well into the evening), don't know if I'll make it to a bar. We shall see...

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Island Style

After 3 days of work here in Waikiki, I was truly looking forward to a weekend of rest and relaxation Island Style. I have a great team I work with; but 3 days and nights with my VP, new boss, old boss, and 2 others over the age of 50 is enough to make me start longing for frathouse keggers and tequila shots.

So I reserved a rental car and planned to hit Makapu'u Point and the North Shore. But gadzooks! Not 10 minutes after I put on my bathing suit this morning, the phone in my room rings. Its my VP. "Yada yada.. did you have plans for today?" I tell her I do. "Yada yada how about tomorrow? I'm sorry I have to ruin your day tomorrow. Blah blah. Yada urgent, yada yada Bernard Arnault."

So no weekend for me. By no means did I give up my North Shore drive today, but ugh, I'll have the project looming over my head. But like the R&R, I'm hoping to work on Sunday Island Style: poolside with a Mai Tai in hand. Dang... I'm so howlie, I don't even know I'm howlie......

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Cat's Meow

Did I ever tell you about the time my knee started to fill "twingy" each time I went to Step Class?
Yeah, you're right. I didn't.

Granted, my knee has been acting up during my weekly runs but lately I get that "twinge" a lot more often. You know the one. The twinge that makes you suck in your breath like the time you got your ear pierced. Or like the time you got your flu shot. Yeah, like that.

I got that feeling about 45 minutes into my class today. Crapola. Is this how it starts? I've been denying it the last half a year, but I just may have to make one of those "Doctor it hurts when I do this"-visits soon. Will I start sliding into the "my body is falling apart"-phase the morning after?

Will I start complaining about my sciatica next? Prefer my peas mashed? Crave Hometown Buffett? Will I want to start watching movies like The Bucket List? .. Oh goodness, will I start to believe Jack Nicholson is the Cat's Meow????? Say it isn't so....