So I reserved a rental car and planned to hit Makapu'u Point and the North Shore. But gadzooks! Not 10 minutes after I put on my bathing suit this morning, the phone in my room rings. Its my VP. "Yada yada.. did you have plans for today?" I tell her I do. "Yada yada how about tomorrow? I'm sorry I have to ruin your day tomorrow. Blah blah. Yada urgent, yada yada Bernard Arnault."
So no weekend for me. By no means did I give up my North Shore drive today, but ugh, I'll have the project looming over my head. But like the R&R, I'm hoping to work on Sunday Island Style: poolside with a Mai Tai in hand. Dang... I'm so howlie, I don't even know I'm howlie......
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