Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Hump Day

In the second time in less than 3 years, I went in for outpatient surgery. (The first time for my foot.) My ganglion cyst had made a reappearance (See March 1, 2006) and it was time to say goodbye once and for all.

So here I am, typing with one hand, feeling my hair get greasy. Waiting for Project Runway. Waiting for my vicodin. Nice hump day.


Anonymous said...

Since you already know what I'm thinking, no sense posting.

Rowdeezy said...

^^ Well, unless you're thinking what I'M thinking!!

EerieCa said...

You think you can take care of a 3.5 year old with that bandage???

Rowdeezy said...

Sure. Why not? He already knocked it arounbd during lunch... Then he would look at mewith this face.... "sorry yeema..."