Our lovely hostess, Linda, made sure we were comfortable with our wine and beer (and Pep.Pizza!) and after that the Game Was Afoot! It did not initially bode well for the Ladies as we weren’t able to decide if Asteroids or Meteors were chunks of crap in space. After that we were backhanded with Baseball and NYSE questions. Meanwhile, the Men were able to move ahead on the board with their knowledge of blind stitches and movie musicals. But all was not easy sailing for them as they had to answer this little gem of mine:
“What is ‘twall?”
Lane: “Hmmm. Can you use it in a sentence?”
Row: “Yes. What is ‘twall?”
EDIT: This was literally how the game spelled the term. None of the Ladies knew what it was either.. Until Leslie pointed out recently that it is probably TOILE, spelled phonetically. Which of course, ALL us Ladies know TOILE is a France(French?)-originated fabric/decorating pattern consisting of a white or off-white background with a repeated pattern depicting a fairly complex, generally pastoral scene, usually black, dark red, or blue.

And really, seriously... how CUTE are these boots??????????

But I digress.....
We even thought we had them when the Men almost confirmed that Ricky Martinez was the MTV Star who sang Livin’ La Vida Loca! Alas, they were still able to capture one of our players and forge ahead. (I mean honestly, who can really name all 3 of Donald Trump’s books??)
The Ladies put up a good fight with Linda’s knowledge of the 13th Amendment, and my movie trivia database. As the moon continued to rise, and Lane’s eyelids continued to fall, I managed to save the whole lot of us any more heartache by drawing the greatest Wild Card: “You have been asked on a date by Tom Cruise. You decline. Advance to the end of the game.” THANK YOU EVERYBODY!! GOOD NIGHT!
And so the first officially sanctioned Battle of the Sexes ended. I learned Bill Russell was the first Black Coach of the NBA. But I already knew that we are an incredibly competitive bunch! So here’s to the next Battle of the Sexes. BRING IT ON!!!!!!
PS. I am soooo getting this version:

1 comment:
Let us not forget that Bud Selig is the current and 9th MLB commissioner.
That none of us knew that the Power Puff girls are Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup and that the men didn't know our 6th sense is our intuition.
Happy to host BofS III ANYTIME!!
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