I Googled "whirly twirly" this morning and this was the first image I came across.. Go figure.
The point of today's story is really to say.. hang on folks... lots of blogging to come. I have a jumble of topics all up here.. *taps temple*, but things have been so hectic that I haven't been able to quite settle down to get them all down.
All sorts of activites since September and continuing on through November have had my mind all in a Whirly Twirly. And with the Holiday Season within our Tippy Toe Reach, there will be no relief in sight for some time. So be patient with me!

In a quick sidenote, congrats go out to all the women yesterday who trained so hard to complete 13 and 26 miles at the Nike Women's Marathon.! It's not easy and in some ways one of the hardest things you'll ever do. But in some respects, and this is the best part, you realize halfway through your runners high, that it actually isn't that bad... and that if you can do this.. you can do anything!!! YAAAAY for you Girly Girls 2006, I'm bummed I skipped out this year but I'm so glad I got to see you at the Finish Line. You've inspired me to push on for 2007!
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