Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Coffee, Tea, or Me

My girl Leslie is a whiz at thinking up party themes. We had decided a few weeks ago we didn't want to pay $30 for some club event. But what was the alternative? After a 20 second "hmmmm".. she responded with, "Got it! Alice in Wonderland Tea Party! Done."

So this Saturday I will be hosting a Tea Party, complete with a slutty cast of characters: Slutty Alice, The Queen of Harlots, and yours truly a Mad Hotter. God help us.

Received my costume on Monday. Eh. Without the cape and hat, it looks like I'm a figure skater. We'll see how it turns out. I still need to find a cheapie Toy Tea Set. It's been harder than I thought! Do little girls not play with tea sets anymore???

Some of the men have been a little more slow with costumes. I told them to come as aWet Blanket. Bwahahaha! Oh, damn I'm funny. The other idea was to just wear all green and get his hands on a Hookah Pipe. Caterpillar. Done! Anyone have any other easy to execute costume ideas for men?


Leslie said...

We can maybe buy a couple of those colorful hats with the spinny things on top, then Lane & someone else can be Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum! Ohhh, I hate people who don't like to dress up...poopers.

Anonymous said...

this talk of slutty dorothy is getting me hot under the collar.
Do you have Mothercare (the shop) in the states as they sell them? If not you need an educational toy store..
El Bicklo

Anonymous said...

So Cute! Put a group picture up.