Clocky, The Alarm Clock For The Snooze Button Lover.
If I hit the snooze button, Clocky® (patent pending) will roll off of the nightstand, fall to the floor, and run around the room, wheel away, bumping mindlessly into objects until it finds a spot to rest. When the alarm sounds again, I've gotta haul ass to look for it. Clocky will find new spots everyday, kind of like a hide-and-seek game.... Due to be released next month, I am so there...

The radio(NPR) alarm goes off each morning at 6:52am. I don't seem to hear it.
Next, my melodic buzzer goes off next at 7:06am. This one I hear. But I promptly sit up, slap the SNOOZE button and go back to sleep. It goes off again in 10 minutes but I repeat the SNOOZE process.
I have recently added the 7:21am TV alarm. Once that kicks off, I usually fumble around under my pillows for the remote. I press a few buttons to get the beeping to stop but I leave the tv on. With the soothing voice of Matt Lauer droning on, I usually float in and out of sleep again.
That is, until my alarm clock buzzes again. And sometimes it has to buzz a few more times. I have been finally hauling myself out of bed at around 8am. About 45 minutes after I intend to.
And so it goes it each morning..... It's like Groundhog Day.. but not.
I've had boyfriends who I think have broken up with me over this SNOOZE addiction.. What's a girl to do?
try the amazing puzzle alarm clock!,
I have the SAME PROBLEM!!
Must be our super powers overpowering our normal human senses.
Oh, I'm going to have to order one of those too! Or maybe just switch my alarm to the buzzer b/c I can sleep right through Mozart.
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