According to egotastic:
"Okay, I have no idea why the hell Bai Ling is at Cannes. Then again, I don't know why Paris Hilton is there either. At least, unlike Paris, though, Bai Ling is doing something productive with her time in Cannes. And what is she doing? Why, slipping the nipple, what else. Yes, it's a completely gratuitous Bai Ling nipple slip, but aren't gratuitous nipple slips always the best?
Update: I've figured out why Bai Ling is in Cannes. If you look past her breasts, and exposed nipple, you may notice some posters for Shanghai Baby. I guess that's a movie she's in. Now, the question still remains, why is Bai Ling in a movie?"
God she seriously bugs me. And if fact, on my list of people to Bitch Slap, she pretty much ranks as #1. I'm so pissed I ever lent her my rhinestone earrings from 1984. Clearly, she never gave them back.
Now of course, this begs the question. Who else is on my Bitch Slap list? Quid pro quo Doctor: Who's on yours?
Bill Gates.
perhaps you should judge her acting ability which is often excellent (red corner/dumplings/anna and the king etc) instead of talking like an idiot. At least she CAN act unlike many of the bimbos like Partis Hilton etc. I have met her and spent a little time with her...I can think of MANY in the business I would not want to talk to snd Bai Ling is not one of them. It is her slightly nutty nature that makes her so interesting.!!
Oh PUL-leeze! Her acting ability makes it all the worse! (By the way, I still don't forgive her for The Crow.) The fact that she is willing to whore herself out to achieve notoriety and celebrity at any cost is which disgusts me. She does all women, particularly Asian women, a disservice by serving herself up to the media as an exotic sex toy with no class.
This is not a slightly nutty nature, this is a woman with self-esteem issues.
And you're right, I talk "like an idiot; but do not hide behind anonymity. I'm right here taking your crap, opening this blog up to all comments. Where are you?
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