And not only was Mother's Day on the agenda, we also had D's birthday to celebrate. From a list of options, he opted for a road excursion down the Highway 1 coast, ending in Big Sur. It was a lovely day that included a picnic on the beach and a hike in the woods. Unfortunately, we both forgot our cameras. But here's one of the sights..., you guy can pretend I took the picture. ha! It was such a glorious day Saturday that it pretty much did look like this.

Unfortunately, Beach Waterfall is not accessible so as to protect it's pristine nature from us no good humans.
Moving on to Sunday, we continued to be blessed with extraordinary weather.
Unfortunately, the fates have blessed me with something else. As I pit-patted in my kitchen preparing breakfast and bracing my home for my family. I looked over to the living room and realize there are a good 8-12 flies just hanging out on the wall. SOMETHING WAS WRONG. .. Chills crept up and down my spine and I started freaking out.
GGGaaaa! Conventional wisdom tells me the dead animal stink a month ago has now given rise to a colony of flies in the wall. (And they are some FAT f*ckers too!) And they chose a hot and balmy Mother's Day to crawl out of the hole in the wall that the previous owner had attached a wall sconce to. So D taped it up, but they continue to fly around attempting to escape from out under the tape. My Dad Raid-ed it and kept retaping it. (Which was good cuz it occupied him and have him something to be in charge of while the cooking was done.) But when I left the house today... there were a good 12 flies that had crawled out an inch or two and died in the tape. GGgggaaaa! WTF??????????????? I'm afraid to go home......
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