Today, however, her program was quite disruptive and sent basically a constant barrage of chuckles streaming out of my cubicle. She had Paul Rudd as a guest and goodness gracious he is my new hero! I suspected he had the potential for kooky humor ever since I saw him in Laz Buhrmann's Romeo and Juliet. .. I love his way of throwing caution to the wind with his comedy, and yet he balances it with this understatement that absolutely floors me. His many collaborations with Judd Apatow and the gang, has only cemented it. As I chuckled my way through the interview, I got the yearning- no, craving - for more laughs. (Side note: He said when most people come up to him on the street, they like to open with, "You know how I know you're gay??" AWESOME.) Did I ever tell you that I love to laugh? I mean.. I love it. I need it. I yearn for it. That moment when you feel it bubble up inside you? And then it just.. BOOP.. pops out? And once it is out, it, in my case, is uncontrollable. Forget about the whole opposable thumb thing; this separates us from the animals..

In any case, I wanted to inject more silliness into my day. So it was YouTube to the rescue.
I found the scene I wanted with Will Ferrell, Paul Rudd, and Steve Carrell (and that 4th guy.. dont' know him). Enjoy, laugh, giggle, chuckle. Guffaw even.... Without further ado, here's a little Afternoon Delight.. ...
I dont' remember this music video from Anchorman.. perhaps it's on extra on the DVD? And it's not just the fact that its funny and ridiculous; its that they look like they are having an absolute ball doing all this. You want to join in!!
1 comment:
If I have to hear "Yamo Be There" one more time, I'm going to "Yamo" burn this place to the ground.
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