Well here I am, back on land, safe and sound!
What a wonderful day it was.
I ended up jumping from a height of 18,000 feet along with LaLa and RayRay. And I can assure you that a 90-second freefall is not likely an experience any one of us will soon forget; particularly as RayRay had a DVD made of her jump!

For hours afterwards we had permagrins and days later... I can still close my eyes and muster the terror I felt as I peered out the plane, saw Salinas Valley laid out before us, and felt the wind whipping my face. Never mind me yelling out at my trusty jumpmate J.R... "I can't do this! I can't do this!".... But its that moment of letting go, falling out and feeling that ridiculous giddyness as you give in to the rush.........................(And BTW, thats RayRay on the verge of her jump, not me.)
I highly recommend anyone try this once in their life.... Just don't ask me to sing you Creed songs to get you amped...
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