As I watched the footage of Nancy striking the gavel, I became teary (damn this Winter Malaise!). I suppose no big surprise as I always seem tear up at the sight of history being made. Although I certainly have no aspiration to a career in politics, it was not lost on me that not only was this "a historic moment for the Congress [but] an historic moment for the women of this country." Pelosi's selection as speaker puts her second in line of presidential succession, behind Vice President Dick Cheney. I wonder how it feels to be the most powerful woman in American Politics?
And I wonder how must it feel to be able to cast your vote during such a momentous vote? It seemed many of the Democrats, announcing their votes, could barely contain their pride in their new speaker.
Rep. Sam Farr, D-Carmel, said: "As a native of San Francisco, Nancy Pelosi.''
First-term Rep. Jerry McNerney of Pleasanton rose and said, "It is my pleasure to cast my first vote in this House for Nancy Pelosi.''
Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee of Texas, intoned, "Today we make history for a new America. Enthusiastically for Nancy Pelosi.''
Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., added, "On this historic day when the eyes of the nation are upon us and on our history, I am very proud to cast my vote for the young lady from California, Nancy Pelosi.''
Indeed, even as Rep Boehner, R-Oh, handed over the gavel in his speech to the House was gracious and aware of the moment's history.
"Today marks an occasion I think the Founding Fathers would approve of. Today, whether you are a Democrat, Republican or independent, today is a cause for celebration.''
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