Yep. He had extended an invitation to the 18th Annual Lobster Feed.... and can I clarify for you? This is a 4 course all-you-can-eat event and I didn't want to go. But after 8 hours of inner crankmeister turmoil, I needed a martini, STAT. So I brought my girl Yuri, she tied on her bib, and we proceeded to brace for the eating fest.

The weather finally cleared and we actually had a glorious view of this City o' Mine... I drank it all in along with the Martini that had not left my grip since I walked in. The all you can eat lobster arrived.. (one friggin' WHOLE lobster after we already had clams and caesar salad) and this is when I felt the flash of peace. As I stared out among the bits of clouds, and the setting sun beamed across the waters of the Bay, everything seemed so right.

I forgot about Iraq, I forgot about how creepy MJ still is, I forgot about my own disapointments and realized that I'm a big fucking dolt for not remembering how lucky and blessed I am. Whatever fears and doubts I have of my future will be met head on.. I will fail. I will succeed. But most of all .. I will survive. Seems All You Can Eat Lobster makes warriors of us all....

You may have noticed I snuck in a little reference for my Pop... My preface to the Happy Father's Day shoutout I'm about to give. It's Sunday and I would like to wish all you cool Baby's Daddy's out there a BRILLANT FATHER's DAY. I salute you all and wish I could give you the biggest kiss I have to give. I don't mean to discount Mother/Child relationships AT ALL, but I do adore watching a child interacting with their Dad Perhaps it is the close relationship I have with my Father... when I see it in men my age.. it makes my heart melt. A man I still care deeply about was the most wonderful man when he with his daughter. That I will ALWAYS remember about him.
My own father is no angel. Like any other person, I can write a novel about the issues I have with him. But, as many of my friends can attest, my Dad FUCKING KICKS ASS(eloquent, eh?)! He is generous of heart and always has his home open to my friends. He enjoys a good vodka on the rocks, and often encourages my cohorts and I do the same. He gets too far involved while watching sports and has been known to "pace the sidelines" more than Mike Ditka. He gets carried away while listening to his iPod Shuffle on BART and starts singing with his headphones on. He makes a MEAN steak tartar. He calls me the day after my birthday EVERY YEAR.
"Hey Row..."
"Hi Pop."
"Happy Birthday!"
"Aww. Thanks Pop!! .. Uh, you know it was yesterday, right?"
"....... ...... FUCK!"
He's been a metrosexual long before Queer Eye made it ok. I can't walk thru a dept store without him disappearing in the fragrance dept.,.. "DAD! What did you do? You smell like a French Whorehouse!" He ran his first 10K at the age of 60. And he always comes up with a little gem when you least expect it:
Seated first row behind Visitors Dugout at the Giants game:
Row: "Bonds is on deck."
E: "I cani't believe we couldn't get anybody on base."
Dad(leans in): "Soooo. ... what.. is.. a Little Bow Wow?"
Row: "DAD! I told you to stop watching the MTV!"
So here's to you my Papa. I love you beyond what any words can say. Forever and ever, your Daimui.
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