Wednesday, June 15, 2005

The Interview (aka "This saves me from thinking of my own topic to blog about.")

Interview Chain where I get to pretend someone wants to hear my thoughts and opinions! LOL! These were the instructions:
1. Leave me a comment saying, 'Interview me'.
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions. (MUA HA HA)
3. Only respond if you are willing to answer ANY question that is asked of you (THEMS the rules)
4. Update your Blog with the answers to the questions.
5. Include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
6. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

And without further ado...
5 Questions:
1. If you were a runway model, what would be your favorite thing to parade around in? >>> Ooooh, it would be a toss up between a big lovely swishy Oscar de la Renta gown. Because it would be so girly girl and something I would never in a million years be able to afford. OR, it would be something uber fierce by Tom Ford that I would be incredibly sexy in and I could stomp down that runway with my supermodel walk.

2. What are your thoughts on licking whipped cream off someone? (that was my topic for michaelsean today)>>>> Hmm. I'm not sure if I HAVE any thoughts about it. I have found in the past that the implementation of food with sex has its rewards. I'm sure it has spiced up many an evening in people's bedrooms.. or kitchens! But as I am not actually a big whipped cream fan in general, I prefer chocolate or raspberry jam maybe. Ooooh yeah.. Haha. Sometimes the mess is more trouble than it's worth.. I guess.. it's fun enough.. but I dont' crave it. It's not something that could turn me at the sheer mention of it. Seems almost a bit cliche actually...

3. Complete this sentence: "I don't get what the big deal is about _____" >>>>> You are psychic. Honestly, I was JUST thinking about that. And discussing it on the phone with an old friend. What the FUCK is the big deal about Sienna Fucking Miller?? And I think this about her on different levels. The Hot Chick factor. OK fine. She's cute.. Fine, she went topless in Alfie(rumble as the male readers stampede off to watch Alfie).. but her body isn't like.. to die for or anything. Her acting is marginal. And finally, the whole It Girl thing??? She just got referenced AGAIN in a magazine.. for wearing cowboy boots with dresses. WTF??? I call Bullshit. Kate Moss has been doing Bohemian Chic way longer and way better. (OK, now that I have lost all the male readers and probably some of the female ones...)

4. If you had your own NPR show what would you talk about? >>>> ooh tough one. I would talk about Schweaty Balls...

5. Who would play you in a movie? >>> Ming Na... Cuz she has a big head like me. And she's willing to do nude sex scenes.. hahaha