Wednesday, June 22, 2005


A certain someone has requested that I include more sex, violence, and current issue rantings and ravings in my blog. Evidently a PG-13 Row is an uninteresting Row. Although I am not opposed to the first two, I did intend for this to be a PG-13 blog as I have family, old friends and colleagues, and some old teachers reading. (At least, I think they're reading. I'm not really sure!) There is a TMI issue at hand. But I will try to honor at least some of JS's request.. and introduce some news topics. Or as someone once said.. "I've got to keep up on my current events"....


Good gracious. Are we back to this again??! Let it be known that I do NOT condone a fucking Constitutional Amendment to ban flag burning. (There goes my PG-13 rating.) Dont' get me wrong.. I wouldn't personally go out and do this. But I happen to value my actual freedoms over the symbol that represents them.

WASHINGTON - The House on Wednesday approved a constitutional amendment that would give Congress the power to ban desecration of the American flag, a measure that for the first time stands a chance of passing the Senate as well.

By a 286-130 vote — eight more than needed — House members approved the amendment after a debate over whether such a ban would uphold or run afoul of the Constitution's free-speech protections.

Approval of two-thirds of the lawmakers present was required to send the bill on to the Senate, where activists on both sides say it stands the best chance of passage in years. If the amendment is approved in that chamber by a two-thirds vote, it would then move to the states for ratification.

Supporters said the measure reflected patriotism that deepened after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, and they accused detractors of being out of touch with public sentiment.

"Ask the men and women who stood on top of the (World) Trade Center," said Rep. Randy (Duke) Cunningham, R-Calif. "Ask them and they will tell you: pass this amendment."

But Rep. Jerrold Nadler (news, bio, voting record), D-N.Y., said, "If the flag needs protection at all, it needs protection from members of Congress who value the symbol more than the freedoms that the flag represents."

Interesting how a Rep from California is speaking for the people of NY and how the Rep from NY is actually speaking with his brain rather than out of his ASS!

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