Monday, October 17, 2005

And I Bequeath Unto Thee...

After a great weekend, I'm left feeling a bit melancholy today. It's like coming off a big high only to find myself chained to a desk. (This is why I never really let myself get involved with drugs. The jones'ing for that high man! The elusive high!).... blech. Not really in a Blogger mood either. But I came across an article by Dr. Andrew Weil. He writes of spiritual well-being and one way to promote it is through the writing of an ethical will. (He's developed a line of wellness products for Origins Cosmetics.. so it's work related reading. Calm down!)

Intriguing. An ethical will has to do with nonmaterial bequeaths, the values and life lessons that you wish to leave to others. " No matter how old you are, it will make you take stock of your life experience and distill from it the values and wisdom you have gained. You can then put the documents aside, read it over as the years pass and revise it from time to time as you see fit. It can be a wonderful gift to leave to your family at the end of your life, but I think its primary importance is what it can give you in the midst of life."

I am wondering, after all my flailing about on this planet, what life lessons do I have to impart? I mean, aside from "only eat fresh sushi" and "always bet on black"? What have I learned?? ..... How will our ethical wills read?

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