But it was one of the most kickass 2 hours and 26 minutes (unofficial) of my year. Tiffany's? Yes please!!!

Intriguing. An ethical will has to do with nonmaterial bequeaths, the values and life lessons that you wish to leave to others. " No matter how old you are, it will make you take stock of your life experience and distill from it the values and wisdom you have gained. You can then put the documents aside, read it over as the years pass and revise it from time to time as you see fit. It can be a wonderful gift to leave to your family at the end of your life, but I think its primary importance is what it can give you in the midst of life."
I am wondering, after all my flailing about on this planet, what life lessons do I have to impart? I mean, aside from "only eat fresh sushi" and "always bet on black"? What have I learned?? ..... How will our ethical wills read?
I was minding my business yesterday, kneedeep in vendor meetings and lipgloss samples. When there it was.. The roar.... The roar that can only mean one thing... Fleet Week. Or as its known to the local hookers... Christmas.
Every October San Francisco welcomes the parade of Navy ships into the Bay and yesterday the Angels began their practice runs. Being on the 31st floor of my building.. we can literally wave hello to the pilots as they come zipping by. "Hey sailor!! ... Call me!!"
In addition to the usual jawdroppng stunts by the U.S. Navy's Angels, I'm thinking about at the checking out the final stop of the Red Bull Air Race World Series, a seven-event race featuring nine of the best pilots in the world competing in an event that requires flying through strategically placed gates and performing specific stunts over the Bay. Fastest time wins. But I am also scheduled to run 10 miles tomorrow so it may be a Fat Nap for me instead.
So here's to you Blue Angels. *pours glass of Dom* CHEERS!
I'm so digging Jason Munn's work, thought maybe you would too; particularly the Death Cab for Cutie fans.. And you know who you are!!! ( That was a crazy sentence and clearly I have no idea how to punctuate it properly.) This local boy (Oakland) makes hand-silk-screened album and concert posters in really simple 3 color designs. I'm musically stunted and so am only familiar with about 3 of the bands he has done work for.. but they're so awesome I may buy one anyway.
On other fronts... It's really draining having to show new shoes who's Boss. "I said HEEL!! Good girls...."
And yet another front... Please check out the My Flickr page link (on the right) as you will see highlights of my recent night out in the OC. And for those of you unfamiliar... no. That's NOT Marc Anthony.
I know I know. But this is the last of it.
My brother has finally gotten around to loading up his pics from our Half Dome Odyssey and they're so much better than mine! Oh c'mon! You know I like to share!!!
Why do they call it a Fanny Pack, and not a Butt Pack?
This is some Blair Witch shinznit right here.