A Healthy Rowdeezy is a Happy Rowdeezy!! Okay, I guess maybe only I say that. The point is, I survived the Cool Bursts and the Hot Brandy to be revived today. After a short bout with the dreaded weekend cold I'm no longer sniffly, snotty, and incoherent. The only remnants left are my sore little nose from all the Wonton Wrapping I did.
I entered "Happy" into Google Images and got an image from http://happyfamousartists.blogspot.com. This is actually the latest piece that's posted. Bad Art for Bad People. MMmmmm.. I like it. I like it A LOT. Muahahahaha!
That's a twisted photo. I like it.
Sweet photo. I can almost see the Caltrain in the background, and you are drinking BEER, watching their sick little "happy" picnic...
It truly is an inspiring photo, it has inspired me to drink another beer!
Is this how people dine in Scotland?
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