Despite my High Maintainence trepidations, I felt quite confident with my gear in hand. Afterall, I've got Eye Cream and Charmin, I'm ready to take on the world!

And so.. Bring it on World!
First Stop for this Intrepid Group: A stop at the Chinese Camp and Trading Post and Tavern.

Not so surprisingly, we were the only thing Chinese about this place.
An otherwise uneventful drive. Wait, did I mention the Tall Man and the Chili-Cookoff?? Another time perhaps. So hmm, where was I? Oh yes. Once at camp, our group worked together quickly to set up our sleeping quarters.

Please note: For once, I was NOT the one wearing completely impractical shoes... Good Girl!
Our 8-person tent was quite luxurious and I was relieved to find Curry Village and it's amenities (ie. Pizza, Full Bar, and ice cream!) just a small walk away. The August Moon was full and we were all excited to know the placement and fullness of the lunar placement would only repeat every 19yrs or so. This weekend we would see Yosemite much as Ansel Adams saw it. So at 9:30pm we took a walk through the Yosemite Valley Floor, accompanied by the awesome glow of the Full Moon. No flashlights were needed and the gigantic rock walls were so beautiful they seemed as if brought in by a movie crew. Truly an inspiring stroll.
Shout out to my talented friend,Lane, who gets his first of MANY 15 minutes of fame here in this article about Yosemite and the Full Moon. (BTW, Autumn Moon, reminded me of August Moon, which is a line from a Duran Duran song..... Hence my poor Reference. Can anyone name that tune???)
The night air did much to calm me down. It had already been a full day of travel and making new friends but I was ready for sleep. Your Rowdeezy seemed to take to camping pretty well and slept through the night nice and toasty.
Litte did I know my Nemesis was already lying in wait; laughing as it knew what was in store for me the next day.
*cue theme from 2001: Space Odyssey*
Ladies and Gentleman... I give you .... Half Dome.
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