I hope you and yours had a wonderful July Fourth holiday. I myself always seem to celebrate this holiday with makeshift efforts. With no concrete plans of my own again this year, my girl Leslie approached me with a wonderful proposal.
"How about we bake cupcakes and drink champagne all day while watching You've Got Mail?"
Well, that sounds about perfect!

A few additional troops were rallied over to my place and before we knew it,we had ourselves a party!
Leslie and Linda diligently baked over 3 dozen Magnolia-recipe cupcakes while we all sucked down glasses of champagne. For supper we toasted with a simple "America, F*ck Yeah!", and dug into my cholesterol-laden Proscuitto Mac N Cheese. We even had eye candy like Oceans Eleven (for the ladies) and Charlie's Angels (for the men) playing on the telly.
But lest you think our day was an entirely wholesome affair, we did cover plenty of NC-17 topics during our dinner conversation. Yes indeed, I don't think any of us will look at nuts and butter the same way again.

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