Thursday, December 22, 2005


I've always loved Christmas Time. Not quite sure why, perhaps it harks back to the Charlie's Angels Hair Care set I got in 6th grade (It had a working battery operated blow dryer!).

Afterall, my family is not Christian. We didn't go to Christmas Mass, my mother didn't spend hours baking in the kitchen, I grew up in San Francisco so there were no white Christmases, I'm not even really sure if I believed in Santa Claus... I think in retrospect, I think I had that figured out sometime around First Grade.

So why then? Do I just love the presents? Do I enjoy the excuse of drunken revelry?

I love thinking about the potential of World Peace. I love the idea of the Christmas miracle. I love settling down and hearing the sounds of Vince Guaraldi as A Charlie Brown Christmas begins. I enjoy seeing the smile on a friend or family members face when they open up the perfect gift. I genuinely love Christmas Songs. I love saying the words Happy Christmas to a stranger.. and meaning it. I love the stimulation of lights, colors, and music (Hard Nut anyone?) I love slowing down to enjoy time together with those closest to me.
But what exactly is the mystical blend that forms the perfect Christmas? Surely it's not just the presence of all the things I listed above. Some years the gifts bring bigger smiles than others. Some years our country is not at war. Some years I hear from more friends than others. Some years close family friends are not terminally ill. Some years I have more love and goodwill to share. Some years are more perfect than others.

But each year the possibility remains. Each year the potential is there. Each year, it could be the Best Christmas Ever.

Here's to wishing you and your family The Best Christmas Ever. I love you and miss you all.

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