Monday, April 21, 2008

Lost and Found

Through my Mucinex Fog last week, I was still able to call up visualization exercises to track down lost items.
I hate losing things, especially items that I use often and cost me a penny or 2 to buy. I wasn't ready or willing to chalk these things up as a loss; but didn't want to send myself into a panic either. I just kept telling myself, "You WILL find those lost items. They will be made available to you again." out loud.

So in slow succession, I found my sunglasses.. (I left them at the office.) I would've been really bummed if I lost these. They have been my go-to pair the last year.

After some incidental cleaning, my office entry badge was found in the pocket of my navy trench. (How did it get THERE??)

And then TODAY, TODAY... I called the Bellagio's lost and found and they have my watch!! How excited am I?? I never get stuff back left in a hotel room! Oh its a great Monday! Granted, my ESQ is not a priceless timepiece, but it is mine and I have developed a fondness for its understatedness.

Now if only my cashmere Burberry muffler would show up........

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