Thursday, January 10, 2008


It's a classic scenario.
Girl gets new responsibilities. Girl works hard to prove herself. Girl works a 60-hour week.
*sigh* Not complaining. I'm just flippin' dog tired. Home after 8pm every night and I've only made it to the gym once this week. I'm breaking out. Pimples? I might get that one special pimple once a month, but I don't get pimple(S)!

I'm now managing new cosmetic brands that deal with emerging trends such as wellness, science and technologiy, and LOHAS(Lifestyles of Health and Sustainibility). And it is indeed a LOT to take in. I'm anxious to learn and soak up everything I can. And yet, walking home in the misty rain tonight, I realized how ironic that I feel so stressed out and UNhealthy! ha! Made sure my dinner was healthy and light (rigatoni with broccoli and chicken sausage in a tomato sauce).

Hopefully I'll settle into a good rhythm and these long days will come to an end soon.
In the meantime, Girl got a $110 GoSMILE starter kit from her vendor and Girl is ready to get her teeth whitening on~!


Dave Doolin said...

You're awesome!

Nguyen Family Circus said...

how exciting! let me know if it works. I've always been very curious about it.
what kinda goodies do we get to try?