Thursday, September 06, 2007

Our Guide to Style

.. You KNOW I would tune into Tim Gunn's Guide to Style with anticipation. Who else would describe a pilled skirt as a "shaved hamster"? LOVE it.

And when he tells you that fashion is about fit and silhouette, he knows what he is talking about.
He is really talking Style. People did you notice the capital "S"??.. This isn't a second-rate-who-the-eff-are-you? host giving you tips. This man has an eye like no other. And when he tells you "thats a lot of look", you better pay attention!
... Makes me think back to the outfits I left the house with this week. ... Would they have passed muster with Tim?

The important takeaways this week... and listen carefully....
One cannot address issues of style, until order has been brought to the closet.
How can you have confidence if you don't own your look?
Ladies and gentlemen... all together, Own Your Look! Look for fashion inspiration, not fashion emulation....

PS. I did not mention Tim's partner in fashion, Veronica, because although she can be Fierce, I cannot abide by her hair right now. And until that is rectified, I will not mention her again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Veronica is just too manly looking for me. Sure, she was a model. But now? Not getting me going.