Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Rock the Vote!

By no means could I ever be mistaken for being a political pundit. And lord knows neither of my 2(!) readers come here to find out about my analysis on the financial impact of a cigarette tax. But as I stepped out my door this morning, I was, as I am every 2 years, exhilerated by the prospect of Election Day. Putting aside our day to day cynicsm of politics and politicians (Voter fraud? Seducing Pages?), I am always thrilled at the sight of Democracy at work.

Because here in a stranger's garage I was adding my voice to the future. Excuse me, that's Future, with a capitol F. I step up to voting station and go head on with my ballot. My ticket to Democracy.
..We hear it time and time again; the shpiel about spreading democracy across the globe. We hear all the time people fighting, dying, to have a say in their government. And here in America ,I feared more people would vote for their favorite Dancing Star tonight than their Senator.

But as the results come in, I am ebullient. The tide has changed, the people have made their choice clear. I may not always agree with the results, but for me, it's always important to know people are out there casting their votes. And hey for the first time, we have a woman Speaker of the House! Go Nancy! You're third in line to the presidency!
In the words of the venerated Dan Rather, she ran away with it like a hobo and a sweet potato pie...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whaaaaaat!? You have 2 whole readers? That's alot.