At first I thought Sake left me a little treasure to find. But I have searched high and low, and no poo to be found. I have mopped the suspect area with Mr. Clean Antibacterial. Now it's just lemon-scented funk.
My only conclusion is that something (someone???!!@#) has died under my house and the smell is emanating from the hole my cable wire comes through. BLECCHHHHTTFF!! Stinkaroo!
When's Friday??
It's the house!! The smell is coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE!!!!!!! Yes, I think now, after another sniffing session, that the smell is emanating from within the wall. ERRRRR.... Now I have to light scented candles and wait it out. waaaahhhh!!!!
Hi Ro,
Same thing happened to me when I moved into my house. Something had died in the wall (probably when they fumigated) it was horrible and in the Kitchen to boot. Nothing to do but wait it out. An exterminator told me he could rip my walls open for a few hundred dollars but there was no guarantee he would find anything. Then it was my problem to repair the walls. A mouse takes about two months to dehydrate (unless it rains a lot, then it takes longer). We used an enzyme odor remover. A few drops every morning seemed to work. Good luck.
The smell is a dead animal. Sake's poo stinks.. but not like that. Besides, her droppings are no bigger than M&M's ( ok, Almond M&Ms)
well, at least you don't have any maggots coming out of that cable hole yet. Remember that in Hercules?
Oooh I know a pro at stinky odors!
his name is Phil Ip.. he's good at it. Let me know if you want his no.
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