Just got back from a session with my trainer. 60 minutes working on the bag and I'm feelin' pretty Million Dollar Kickass!!!.. It's been well over a year since I've done any hardcore kickboxing-type training and I realize I miss it! Sure, my insteps are tomato red from all the roundhouse kicks but it's empowering and it makes me sweat to the point where it's dripping down into my eyes. Me! The physical coward! Me! Who used to not be able to do 5 regular pushups for all the JImmy Choo's in the world! ME! Who can now admit, yea, I'm pretty happy with my Right Hook.... WOOOHOOO, I'm Back Baby!!!!
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Monday, August 15, 2005
I Have to Say It...

"The coldest Winter I ever spent .. was a Summer in San Francisco."
This weekend's driving excusion was to Half Moon Bay. It was a typical San Francisco/Bay Area day, ie. Sake and I froze our asses off! But no harm, no foul. As you can see, she enjoyed herself thoroughly. I believe little Sasa was actually quite happy to be back in her proper damp cold element. Unlike me, who just wasn't bred for this sort of weather!
With much more difficulty hanging out the window of the car, I settled for being entertained by random radio tunes . Ultimately, we hit the beach but not in that cool OC Way that I was spoiled with the last 2 years. No my darlings, I was sans bikini and sans my Maui Babe Tanning Lotion; instead, I was bundled up in a sweater and the surfers were in full body wetsuits. But all in all, Sake and I had a fantastic time cruising down the Pacific Coast Highway. That rush that makes me fall in love with California always remains the same. (Special thanks to Cyndi Lauper and "Girls Just Want to Have Fun.")
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
"Welcome Home, Friends..."
said Mission Control. ..Despite my mixed feelings about NASA and the obscene amounts of money we pour into the space program, tears welled up in my eyes when I heard of our astronauts safe return to Earth.

Afterall, I'm still amazed that we can fly from San Francisco to almost anywhere we want in the world. And here we are exploring space! There is a part of me that is touched by the site(and sound) of the NASA geeks cheering as Discovery and her 7-person crew touched down. Those 7 people put their faith in a team that is sending them out "to go where no one has gone before" and we all just want to see them come back safely. Here are supporters of astronaut Soichi Noguchi at Hamasuka Junior High School in Chigasaki(Noguchi's hometown), west of Tokyo.

Thursday, August 04, 2005
The Reverse Ghetto
My life pretty much consists of constantly overpaying for shit due to my own negligence. I just found out yesterday that the 1/2 Marathon I have been planning to do in October is already sold out. (WHAT?) Since it was $55, I was putting it off. Now my alternative is to register for the FULL Marathon($85 I think) but be ghetto and run the 1/2 anyway. I want that Tiffany's Finisher neckace!
And no. I am in no shape to run the full marathon. (Will need to wait for 2006 on that.) I have only lost 2lbs of the weight I need to lose to be at my "running weight". (No such thing actually. I am just finding a way around saying I was getting fat.) And that 2lbs will likely come back since I managed to eat an entire container of Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Covered Caramels while housesitting. Damn you JOE!!! Damn you to Hell!!!
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Rowena Lowry

Thanks to Craiggers for pulling through with the tickets! "Ask. And you shall receive," he says. Huzzah! You are a rockstar. I promise I won't go running out onto the field to accost him; however, I cannot guarantee that my sister won't accidentally push me onto the green. I couldn't possibly be blamed for that could I? Afterll, he could be my future ex-husband! (Hey, could I help it if Jason Bateman was already taken? wink wink)

Monday, August 01, 2005
"It's Not TV, It's HBO"
Now Listening To: The Real Thing - Gwen Stefani
AAaaah. I Just finished watching another kickass episode of the best show on television. I've heard so many people rave about Desperate Housewives receiving the torch as handed down by Carrie Bradshaw. That is the biggest crock of bullshit. It's bullshit not only because those who say that are wrong but because it's a lazy assertion. A group of sexy women over the age of 35 in the suburbs does not a new Sex and the City make. I took SATC to heart because, despite the designer clothes and out of reach living conditions, these women touched upon some very real scenarios. It was a fantastical reflection of what it's like to be a single woman.
And here we are with Entourage. Another fantastical reflection of what it's like to be a single male. Yeah, HBO has the advantage of being able to use harsh language and show nudity( it's supposed to take place in Hollywood afterall!), but the dialogue is real enough to eat. If you haven't seen it yet, the show follows four friends from Queens through stardom in Hollywood.They frequent real restaurants and mingle with "real" celebrities. I know I should be offended by some of the things said.. "She's a sure thing! She can't SPELL NO!" ; but I can't help but chortle with laughter. I laugh because I know at it's heart it's a story of friends in a big city and how they navigate through the waters intact. Hmmmm. Which show does that remind you off?? ... Here's the NY Times getting on the Entourage bandwagon. "Entourage does not patronize its characters or its audience: it is a multilayered, adult and thoroughly funny show about various male fantasies of teamwork and individualism."
And Ari Gold.. "You've Got Gold." He's the most outrageous, compelling, and complicated character you want to simultaneouly screw and bitch slap. Jeremy Piven plays a ruthless agent full of venom and passion. "You go to Malibu! And you fucking storm that beach like it's Normandy!!" Piven is not to be missed, and I hope he grabs that Emmy. If you haven't started using his catchphrase yet, you will.... "Let's hug it out, Bitch." (I must also give special props to the best fucking eyebrows in the business. Google her if you doubt me. Debi Mazur takes no prisoners as Vince's publicist, "You kiss your mother with that fucking mouth Turtle?")
The First Season is now on DVD(go! go! go now!) for your viewing pleasure. It already shows the glimmer of great talent; but the second season now playing is stronger, and even more outlandishly fucked up. Just in this last 30 minutes we had porn stars with comic books (Pussy Patrol!), Plushies wandering hotel hallways, and a U2 concert. I can't say enough about the boys: Vince, Drama, E and Turtle. I love hanging out with them every Sunday night, they make me warm and fuzzy, even if they don't wear Manolo's....