Although its thoroughly depressing to read the vile tactics that people are using to keep Dems at home from voting.

If ever there were people who hate America and work at its downfall, its the c@cksuckers that printed these flyers out and had them distributed. I know, I said c@cksucker. That's enough to throw me out of a baseball game, but that's how infuriated I am!!
**Edit: "State elections officials have identified the person responsible for a phony election flier that told Republicans to vote on Tuesday and Democrats to vote a day later.
**Edit: "State elections officials have identified the person responsible for a phony election flier that told Republicans to vote on Tuesday and Democrats to vote a day later.
State Board of Elections Secretary Nancy Rodrigues said Monday the flier bearing the Virginia seal and the elections board logo was a joke that got out of control. The flier was distributed early last week across Hampton Roads. State police confirmed it also was distributed by e-mail.
State officials declined to name the person who created the flier or a second person who began distributing it.
While distribution of false information to voters is a misdemeanor, state police spokeswoman Corinne Geller says no charges would be filed."
OMGWTFBBQ. Heads should roll. Of course, wait till we find out this was perpetrated by a 13-year-old...
Some other last minute election thoughts of note.....
- Everyone voting electronically... doublecheck your votes!!!! Early voters are reporting that votes are not being registered correctly.
- Report any and all f^ckery being perpetrated in not allowing you to vote. Record it, blog it, email to the Liberal, Gotcha Media (especially to my news hunk Anderson Cooper at AC360).
- If in Cali, vote No on Prop 8! Lest you forget, anti-miscegenation laws were not repealed in California in 1948! That's right, it was illegal 60 years ago for Whites to marry Asians. My ass would've been in jail. State law was finally overturned by state judiciary in the Supreme Court of California. And yes, if there was a vote, I bet you more than 61% of the state would've said keep marriage status quo between Whites only. Please let such dark days of bigotry and fear be bygones.
- Electronic voting reeks of potential tampering. If they can hack into the FBI database, they can tamper with an election! I say the country stays with the "times up, pencil's down" method.
- Why on earth is Election Day not a National Holiday??!!! For god's sake we need to address this antiquated voting day that's been around since the Farmin' Days!!!
- Get out there kids and perform your civic duty, flex your right, your PRIVILEGE to vote!!
- Ladies, 100 years ago we weren't allowed to vote!! Let's do it for Susan B Anthony, $1 coin styleee!!
No doubt I'll be back with Post-Election reaction. Until then, read some Thomas Friedman.
Be Well America. Go Vote.
Be Well America. Go Vote.
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