Busy Busy.
My mind is so fragmented that I haven't been able to sit down and think too clearly. Just checking off things I need to do for the Holidays. With all the Christmas shopping I have to do, I also wanted to throw a dinner party for a few friends("Dude, we're gettin' the band back together!!"). I know, methinks I must be a masochist. So yeah, I've been stressing myself out wanting to spruce up my place for the coming Saturday soiree.
But right now , my place is a MESS due to a wiring issue. The contractor ultimately had to cut a piece of wall out in order to find out why my dining room lights stopped working. Good news is, he fixed the faulty wire; but the bad news is I have to sand down the new piece of sheetrock. ugg.
Don't ask me why but I have one of these laying around the house...
Edit: Note, this is NOT my hand. Its just a random picture I googled....

Why did no one tell me it would leave crap ALL OVER the place? Everything turned white with a layer of crap. Seriously, I NEED a houseboy! Now I have massive cleaning to do, and I can't get my hardwood floors clean. Not to mention I probably took 2 years off my life by neglecting to mask myself while sanding. (I finally wisened up and used my hoodie hood to cover my mouth and nose.) Silly Sake felt the need to supervise so she kept standing there right next to me, no doubt inhaling a much of crap. Great.
I singlehandedly bought a tree Saturday too, and lugged it up my stairs (What a sight I must've been with a 6ft tall tree hoisted over my shoulder!).. But with other commitments, I didn't put the tree up until Sunday night. It was, as they say... getting hella dried out!... So anyway, at 11pm last night, I was battling an uncooperative tree, trying to get it into the tree pot without the whole thing tipping over. After hanging the lights, it was far too late to deal with ornaments. Thats tonight.
I guess I should look for the positive side and be happy that I am getting things done. But I'm so frazzled, I don't can't remember where I actually put my positive side!
You used a power sander on drywall?? I could have told you that was going to make a snowstorm. Next time use a damp drywall sponge & for gods-sake wear a mask. Better yet, call me & I would have done it for free!
Aaahhh.. but then what would I have to blog about my friend?? lol. I know.. thats what I get for trying to attempt a DIY project.
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