The movers were none too pleased by the steep set of stairs leading up to my Condo; in fact, I'm pretty sure they called me a bunch of bad names in Mandarin. But I pretended I didn't understand. Cuz I'm slick like that.
Right now I can't walk anywhere in the place without dodging a box or a bag of Styrofoam. In fact, it took me close to an hour to make breakfast yesterday.

But I've woken up to a beautiful view of the morning sun and the City Skyline and D even helped me do a little gardening yesterday. I learned to identify the knotweed! "Oh. Those are weeds? I thought it belonged there..."
On a different note, Amazing Race casting call went alright I guess. Without planning to, Erica and I wore the same jcrew jacket, jeans, and our Uggs(but in different colors). So as part of the tape, we took the jackets off to show that at least we had differing tops on. Y'know, we're the same, but different! My TV career is now in the hands of the producers. But I can say, at least we tried out.
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