Friday, July 15, 2005

"Chewing Gum is Really Gross, Chewing Gum I hate the most!"

So far the jury is split on Johnny Depp; but a general Thumbs Up for the movie. Some people keep talking about the resemblance to Michael Jackson; which, from the trailers, I don't see. D U M. I will have to make my own decision tonight. I'm mainly bummed about seeing Johnny Depp's face being whored out on all the marketing crap that goes along with the movie release. I'd like to think that he's kind of above this sort of thing... but that's the deal he had to make I suppose....

So yes. Some of you have heard me talk a bit about this movie for mooonths. Other than Mr. & Mrs. Smith, it was The One I was waiting for. GILLY/Jay: Remember when we saw the Trailer??? What movie were we at?? Even if I'm going solo.... I gotta see it tonight. (You all know I have a thing for Opening Night! )

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