Props must go to Cutie-Patootie Claussen at the Coopers Square Hotel for taking care of D & I during our stay in NYC. The hotel is too kool for skool(I still love it!), but he made us feel welome and very well taken care of. Be forewarned, next time I see you, I'm putting you in my pocket and taking you home. (Do only older people say things like that? Good god, I'm mortified.)

Must also take this opportunity to plug Accomplice:NY, an amazing group of people who put on a mxiture of walking tour, scavenger hunt, and improv theater. It's a blast and an awesome way to see parts of New York City. Run don't walk(or in this walk don't run?) for your tickets and be prepared to have your wits about you!
Fast foward 2 weeks, and I'm in Hong Kong (I'm so continental!) enjoying a solitary brunch on my one day off during a 2-week business trip. Started out in Singapore and will ultimately end the roadshow in Beijing. The Aircon here can be jarring; and as with visits past, I am fighting a cold. Its annoying but at least I brought fortification (Zycam!). And, as a Chinese-looking, Cantonese speaking ex-Pat in this City, the experience can be an interesting one.

If I use English to communicate, I can be treated differently. Treated better or worse depends on who I'm talking to. The drivers tend to find it funny that I'm bi-lingual. Last night my driver wouldn't shut up knowing I was an ex-Pat. Too bad I only understood about 60% of his story. I think he was discussing Holland? It was nice feeling my Cantonese improve day by day. Who knows, maybe I'll be expounding on the the state of affairs in Holland sometime in the future. I reckon I should learn to expound upon it in English first...
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