Monday, December 29, 2008

From Christmas Wishes to New Year Visions.

The week after Christmas is not as stressful as the preceding month, but it has its own challenges. Not only am I desperately trying to recover from the food, the booze, the shopping; I'm also trying to take time for introspection. What have I accomplished the last 365-ish days? Did I advance my career? Did I save enough/any money? Did I see all the movies I wanted to see? Is my condo any cleaner? Did I lose the weight I set out to?

And if not, how will I do it all differently in 2009?
During these times of inventory, I like to avoid it all entirely and take Sake to the beach. Watching the Little One bound around with such pure joy always makes me feel seismically better about the days ahead.

1 comment:

Dave Doolin said...



I took a class in that.

At Berkeley no less.